On digital platforms, people continuously invent and reinvent themselves, creating constantly shifting virtual identities. Selfies, followers, and hashtags have become forms of self-expression, playing a significant part in both the virtual and the non-virtual world. The digital and the physical have become essentially inseparable.
As a result of this blurring, biometric data has become a crucial means through which increasingly autonomous machines interact with people. Machines can now use our physical, biological characteristics as a basis on which to allow or deny access, or to recommend a certain lifestyle. In this world of flexible identities, Biometricks.com has become the new Facebook. Yet instead of merely sharing an image of their personalities, Biometricks allows people to present and offer their biological identities to others. On this platform, individuals can exchange their filter bubbles, promote their great recommendations, share their knowledge, provide access to specific data, and offer up their anonymity.
The so-called “Identity Toolkit” available on Biometricks has become an integral part of users’ lives. This toolkit allows users to share their biometric data, such as voice and face recognition or typing patterns, with other individuals, enabling them to share access to certain biometrically secured platforms.